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Archive for August, 2014

The Professional Methods of Lead Paint Abatement

Posted on August 4, 2014 in Blog

Lead Paint AbatementLead-based paint was commonly used for residential projects from the 1940’s until they were banned in the late 1970’s. The Environmental Protection Agency has instituted strict policies determining how lead paint can be removed from the home to ensure the safety of all workers and residents involved. Because lead paint is most dangerous in dust form, some traditional methods of paint removal are forbidden. Sanding away lead paint puts high amounts of lead dust into the air, and should never be attempted. Instead, lead abatement professionals rely on four strategies to remove the hazard from the home. Here is a closer look at each method to offer a better understanding of the level of security these measures afford.

Method One: Removal

Some materials, like many metals, can be easily stripped of paint while retaining their durability. Chemically stripping such objects will keep the areas as free of lead dust as possible. However, these paint strippers are comprised of very harsh chemicals that can be hazardous to your health. This is why professional-grade ventilation and protection equipment is necessary at all steps of the process.

Method Two: Replacement

Smaller objects and…


How Asbestos Can Affect Your Family

Posted on August 1, 2014 in Blog

Asbestos AffectAsbestos is an insulating material that is fibrous in nature. Unlike the flat, continuous surface on Styrofoam insulation, asbestos is susceptible to flaking. If the asbestos insulation is shaken or scraped, microscopic fibers are released into the air. These fibers are easily inhaled if proper filtration or protective equipment is not in place. This is not simple dust that only irritates the eyes and nose, but a toxic mineral capable of great harm.

The Damage Asbestos Can Cause

The inhalation of asbestos can have serious health risks for a person of any age. Four major diseases have been identified as the result of exposure to asbestos.

  • Mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the lining of the chest and lower digestive tract, and is almost exclusively caused by asbestos exposure. Unfortunately, mesothelioma is a terminal disease, too severe to be successfully treated by the time it is diagnosable.
  • Asbestosis is the severe scarring of lungs that comes from heavy, sustained exposure to asbestos fibers. This condition causes shortness of breath, and is capable of increasing in severity to a fatal degree.
  • Pleural thickening is the physical reaction of the lungs’ direct exposure…